Board members Dutch Poultry Centre

Jan Wolleswinkel
Jan has been the chairman of DPC since 2013. He has extensive experience in the poultry sector. He was the chairman of the O-gen Regional Cooperative and the Dutch Organization of Poultry Farmers. Additionally, Jan was the vice chairman of the Dutch Poultry and Egg Board. He has also served as alderman for the municipality of Renswoude, held various board positions at Rabobank, and was the owner of a mixed livestock farm with poultry.

Renate Wiendels
Renate works as a Senior Project Manager at VNU Exhibitions Europe BV, the international division of the Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. VNU specializes in organizing events in the AgriFood sector. Renate has been with VIV worldwide (livestock farming) for 23 years and is currently responsible for VIV Europe and VIV MEA. She is also involved in the development of HAN worldwide (agriculture and horticulture). Renate has known DPC since its inception and is proud to contribute as a board member to the development of the Dutch poultry sector.

Rick van Emous
After studying at HAS Dronten, Rick began working in research at COVP, followed by a position at Cobb. Since 1998, he has worked at Wageningen Livestock Research, where he earned his PhD in 2015 on the nutrition of broiler breeders. At WLR, Rick worked as a Senior Researcher, focusing on research related to broiler breeders, broilers, and laying hens.

Piet Simons
Piet has a great passion for poultry and comes from a poultry farming family. During his studies, Piet focused extensively on various areas of poultry farming. He conducted a lot of research, especially related to eggs and poultry nutrition. Piet has contributed for many years to the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), first in the Netherlands and later as President and Secretary General worldwide. Currently, Piet is involved with Dutch Poultry Centre and continues to contribute to the Poultry Signals books by publisher Roodbont.

Eric Hubers
Eric is a passionate poultry farmer, with 125,000 free-range chickens. He is chairman of the poultry union and also serves on the supervisory board of the local Rabobank.

Jan van de Heetkamp
Jan has been involved with DPC from the beginning as a director. Meanwhile, he has accumulated years of experience in various positions within the poultry industry.
Since 1991, Jan has been a self-employed entrepreneur for the import and sale of fresh and frozen poultry products. In addition, Jan has held a number of board positions at civil society organisations and at Rabobank, and is an advisor to the Leveranciersvereniging Biomeerwaardekip voor het opwaarderen van Biologische leghennen (Supplier Association Biomer Value Chicken for upgrading Organic Laying Hens).