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Meyn Food Processing Technology
Westeinde 6
1511 MA Oostzaan
+31 20 2045 000
+31 20 2045 001

Meyn Food Processing Technology

Efficient solutions for poultry processing


In your slaughterhouse, you change poultry into food. You are therefore the link between the poultry sector and the food and retail sector. And while your investment in production facilities requires large volumes, your customers desires flexibility, or even tailor-made products. And of course you want to offer them the best possible food product. Processed efficiently and with a high yield. With its advanced and fully-equiped processing lines Meyn Food Processing Technology has the solution for you.

Between poultry and customized food products

Founded in 1959 Meyn has become the global market leader in the field of poultry processing equipment. Because that is the company focus and because Meyn continues to lead the way through innovation. Its systems cover the entire process. From hanging and stunning the chicken, to chopping and boning them. By automatically specifying the quality and the weight of the chicken, every chicken can be processed optimally on the basis of orders from customers. And because this enables you to use every gram of meat, our processing machines have a high yield.

Worldwide service

Slaughterhouses all over the world use the machinery of Meyn Food Processing Technology. The company has four manufacturing sites, offices in fourteen countries and an international team of engineers and service departments in a number of countries. The continuity of your production is their priority. Meyn provides sustainable technology and excellent service. Service that goes further than just support on location. For instance, Meyn provides remote service and guarantees the fast delivery of spare parts, with the help of online ordering facilities.

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Dutch Poultry Centre
Landjuweel 15
3905 PG  Veenendaal
The Netherlands

Kamer van Koophandel 08132038

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