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Hotraco Agri
Stationsatraat 142
5963 AC Hegelsom
The Netherlands
+31 (0)77 3275020
+31 (0)77 3275021

Hotraco Agri

More than automation solutions

Hotraco Agri is a globally operating supplier of innovative automated systems for poultry and pig farming, specialized in creating and maintaining an optimal animal housing climate. Hotraco Agri is a specialist in the development and manufacture of systems that regulate, control and monitor the overall animal housing system, From ventilation and climate control, feed and water control, animal weighing, lighting, egg counting, nest control to farm management

Hotraco Agri, serving you since 1974

Hotraco Agri B.V. was founded in the De Peel region of the Netherlands in 1974. This region has long history of livestock farms, mainly with pigs and poultry. It was also a hotbed of technical industry. With their combination of technical and agricultural background, and a clear understanding of the needs within the agricultural sector, the founders of Hotraco Agri started the company to develop and produce control technology for barns.

World player in control technology and automation for the livestock sector

Over the past 45 years, Hotraco Agri has grown to become a global player in the field of control technology and automation in the intensive livestock sector. With a worldwide network of dealers and installers, and sales offices in China, Poland and Russia, we guarantee our customers worldwide support.

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Dutch Poultry Centre
Landjuweel 15
3905 PG  Veenendaal
The Netherlands

Kamer van Koophandel 08132038

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